Every Day It Gets A Little Easier Studio
Every Day It Gets A Little Easier Studio
(Yes, we know that grammatically it makes no sense)
A brief history
A brief history
While collaborating with Non-profits in Rhode Island, we realized that we could create a larger movement. We want to sell products that reflect our wants and needs, the beauty and realness of our lives, and change lives by donating and providing support to organizations dedicated to prevent suicide, and movements dedicated to fight injustice.
Where we are today
Where we are today
We have collaborated with one non-profit so far, and we have wonderful ideas for our future partners and organizations to donate to.
For the month of May, we will be donating to an AAPI organization focussed on education and advocacy. We are still looking for an organization, so if you have one in mind, please contact us!
During the month of April we had to stop producing candles due to COVID and the rise in cases. We will be back for May!
For the month of March, our first donation will go towards Suicide Prevention, and our second donation will go to Young Voices RI.
Empathy For All Animals is our first ever collaborator!
Our first donation for February went towards Suicide prevention. Our second donation went to Empathy For All Animals!