A little bit about us


Andrea Gonzalez is the founder of Edigale Studio. She is a young latina woman who aspires to become a social worker, and in the meantime hopes to help as many people as possible by learning, donating, and supporting as many causes as possible. She is a full time employee at Young Voices RI, an organization focussed on empowering youth voice, and a full time college student. Her main hobbies include Krav Maga, painting, making candles, and cuddling with her cat.

Meet the team

For now, we are only a few people working on this amazing project, but we are hoping to grow our community with local artists!

Andrea Gonzalez Sanchez

Founder and artist

Join the team

Currently we do not have the capacity to hire anyone, but If you are interested in volunteering, please contact me at edigalestudio@gmail.com